Coin system not working

every time i colect a coin the counter disappears

create a new block named “score settings” move “Coin Saver” to this block
and use the message to send to “score settings” before destroying the coin

now the score disappears because the coin is destroyed when it is touched by the player


even deeper into this the object is getting destroyed before messaging because the destroyer is placed above the message, and flowlab works from the top to bottom

so the destroy is above and going off first, just move the message above it and it will function.


Or use the Destroyer’s output.

then it’d be destroyed first

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It would still send the message though, wouldn’t it?

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it’d be destroyed first.

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Then what’s the Destroyer output for?

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It probably is useless, but all flowlab commands have an output.

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The destroy does actually output I believe and would cause a message to send I think (would need to test it), however, someone asked grazer about this before and he said that it’s kind of unreliable. Like maybe it can send a single message, but what about a long string of code that still activates in 1 frame? It’s weird and I’d avoid using it even if it does work.


Interesting, feel like I got told this before but then forgot

Will keep this in mind

could you guys also help me to get it to display how many coins the person has colected

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use a label

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how would i use a label to do it

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put the number of coins into the value input

try it out before asking another question, it’s better to learn yourself than to ask a question which can be answered with a small sentence

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thanks i got it working