Coins only adding once

So when you hit the block once, it does add the coin. But once you hit a different one the coin score just stays at one.

Game: Flowlab Game Creator - Super Mario Bros. (WIP)

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Where is the code for the coins?

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As I said before, you should add the scoring in the player.

You made it in the lucky block, which means every single lucky block has it’s own label that it’s updating, so it’s not adding to one label, it’s adding to it’s own label.

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OHH mb ill try that.

Ive added the code into the mario but collision not working?

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Do both objects have Enable collisions checked?

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Ill check. (20 charactersss)

How do you make sure collisons are enabled? (Sorry i just started)

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If an object is solid, then collisions are automatically enabled, if it isn’t solid, then Enable Collisions soulh be a checkbox in the lower-right of the physics page.

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Click the arrow thing in the objects settings to show you more.
It’s in the bottom right of the little window in a light blue color

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Ah thanks, i made it so when you hit the lucky block it sends a message to the Mario to add the score. Thank you guys for your help!

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