Complex message sending

I’m trying to make a medieval game where knight ai can clash and I have now gotten to the part where I am making something to deal damage, but major problem: How do I send a message to a specific emitted object (the one that I am in proximity with) to deal damage to that warrior?

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Well, have the emitted object send a message to the object that sent it, then have the object that sends the emitted object make a message that sends to last contacted object :]

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How would it send a message to the object that sent it if that object is also emitted

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I’ve tested that proximity doesn’t count as last contacted.

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Exactly. First you have the emitted object send a message to the emitter.

Or another method is instead of using messages spawn a block in the exact position of the emitted object, and when the emitted object picks it up then it performs the action you want it to.

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The other thing is not working so I’ll try that

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Got it :upside_down_face: :+1:

Sorry about this but I just realized that since the troops will group up, I do not want it to do splash and emitting a specific object will do splash.

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Oh ok :}
well have fun, then

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that’s literally just going to make a chain of messages

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Well, not really. It’s just the created object sending a message and then when the creator is ready it sends a message back ._.

Why would I need it to send a message back? That would do nothing?

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To actually activate the command you want the created object to do ._.

i’m confused on what it is going to do

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Nothing unless you attach a mailbox in the created object

can you use the thunderdome to either show that this does not work or how it’s supposed to work please because I am utterly lost

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Listen to hihilogic he came in 2019 while you came April 2020 and I came Oct 2020


i literally don’t understand at all what they are trying to explain

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