Continue rotation behavior option

I was creating a movement randomizer for some astroids in my game and I wanted them to be spinning right when they were spawned in but what was annoying was that on the rotation behavior it needed a consent input to keep rotating (unlike going forward with a motor block) and I wanted it to be free spinning but that would only happen after it hits another block (with enable rotation on) so I think that there should be an option on the rotation behavior that allows it to keep rotating without a consent input

(this was meant to be just a post but the feature request topic was closed)


Rotational Velocity would be a great idea


This hits home. I also was coding asteroids in my game and I wanted the bits to have rotational velocity. But you could also probably simulate with an ease.


I agree even though I haven’t figured out the ease behavior yet I was able to program something that would work with switches to keep it rotating for the first part and collision to stop the automatic rotation and then it would be free-floating from there but it would just be a lot easier to have it as an option on the rotation block itself

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The ease behaviour is pretty simple. i’d suggest linear because it is smoother.


The ease behavior just has a number go from one input to the next, the different options tell it how to do it.

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I do now remember considering using an ease but it looked like it was going to stop giving an input after it got to the value it was going for and I wanted the astroids spinning at the same speed until they hit a wall and could do it on their own but still I haven’t really experimented much with ease so I don’t really no if there is a better and easier way to replicate rotational velocity

JR_01 made a bunch of custom ease bundles with special functions. Those could help.

ok thanks I might use those some other time but I already have something that works so I think I’ll stick with that for now

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