So I switched some code over to a new game, but even thought all objects have the same properties and code, they aren’t working?
It’s some issue with messages not sending properly.
But they work some of the time?!
If you wanna check it out, it’s between the projectiles and the enemy parents.
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When you copy code, sometimes it won’t actually keep the link between different objects since the objects in the new game go under different names, technically.
So you’ll have to rename all of your objects and relink them to the messages.
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Yeah I know that, I already did that. But for some reason the projectiles don’t always send the message before they delete them selves. And no matter how many fixes I try to make, it never works.
Right now, it’s a collision, then it sends a message to last contacted, but sometimes the signal is never received?!
It works like 20% of the time.
Have the delete or destroy behavior activate after the message has been sent. Such as having a timer with a .1 second delay or something.
You probably have it set up so that it’s deleted itself at the same time it sends the message so it’s highly that it’s just deleting before it can send one.
I have it delete itself after the enemy gets hit and replies to break itself. But Still the message only gets received 20% of the time, despite the message very clearly being sent.