Coreplex's Theory Room

When I first open ducky:
Screenshot 2022-10-24 10.29.12 AM


Hi and welcome back to Coreplex’s Theory Room!

Today I will be doing a heads up about what I am about to talk about in the next 6 days. In Ducky there is nothing to really see or do any theory on. But I think I can make up a few. One is that ducky went in this dungeon for a reason. This dungeon is not normal, it’s cursed! look at the forge, it got darker from the last area. And it keeps getting darker. I mean look at this sprite
Screenshot 2022-10-26 7.21.08 AM
If you don know what this is, then you don’t have theoriest eyes. To you if may look like mushroom-like floor( Well, I guess?) But no me its blood. and those dots? Eyesball with pupils. I don’t know.
(This theory is not fully correct, so you can say it’s hilarous.)
Anyways lets get to the real deal. The reason why ducky is there is to unlock the aliens and set them free. Now there is two theories to this. The other one is postive and the one is negative. Comment below if one of them makes sense.
1. His world is in dangered.
This hero probably lives in the world of duckies intill the fox came and took over the world. And so he has to go through the dungeon, and fight foxes and bosses to get to the aliens deep down through the walls.
2. The duck is there only hope!
As the world is filled with foxes, they conquer all of duck land. And you know what? The alien could just be the cause. Or is the alien even a alien? It could be anything. The three lights shaped as a triangle could mean anything.

This is only a heads up more research coming up


There may be stories in the forge that need to be heard…


also there is a secret lore basement you may have not found


You’re the only one to point that out.


Here’s my game Blandus. It was meant to have a lot of lore but I never really finished it.


Oh I do have the stories in the forge. It is for my theory. that up there was only a heads up

Anyways my theory is coming in about 6 days. I will try to figure it out sooner, so it might be earlier than 6 days

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Hi Everyone! In 3 more days there will be the biggest theory of my life. The ducky theory. You will be surprised how much I found. So get your stuff, and sit confortably because its going to be a whole story!


you should legit make a youtube channel


Thanks I aint matpat. But I plan too soon


hey, when i finish the demo of my game il put it on here since i plan to have a lot of lore


Hi everyone welcome back to the theory room!

Today our theory is all about ducky’s lore. Now don’t read the one five days ago. It was humiliating. Anyways I have new theories for the story and loooooreeeeee! First I are going to start off with Someone has been here before. Now I know what you are thinking, Was it the rat tribe? Yes. But no at the same time. Since they are extincted now and killed by the foxes (I think). Let’s get to the point. Their was someone before us. Look at the pile of grass or bush we sleep on to save our progress. And look at our surroundings. The pile of grass was made by someone. This person knew we were coming. Now who could this be? The only character we know in this story is Ducky, The rat tribe(DEAD), The grim reaper(lol) and Blue… Now we know all of the other characters except blue. Blue origin is very unknown. He could be a rat, anything. Just read the tab down below.
Now this is blue. But look what he says. “The tribe of rats” If he was one of them, he would say something else involving him. Or that’s what @Pixel_Name1 wants us to think. But on the other side, I think blue is…
You didn’t see that coming did you? Well I have to say I got things to say.We have lived with the rats for a while now. We fell down, far down… Now when the fox invaded the world they invaded this place too. This home was destroyed by the foxes and We survived. Now with our sword we are trying to get to the top of the place the rats called home. (This is just a theory)
Second off, on the other side We are going down. Our main hero, want us to see if he can stop the foxes on his own and become a real hero. But as it seems the deeper we go the more harder it is for us. More enemies appear and deadly traps are set. Now I really think that some rats are alive. They have to be. Lets hope we get help from these survivors when that time comes. It’s time to end this once and for all. Third of all the dark side We are dead… We are stuck in a endless loop of fighting for our life and this game symbolize something…for me the bed represents death, the sword represents light and the foxes represent darkness. The rat tribe represents hope and fighting to the death. Something like that. I don’t fully understand how symbolizing works but soon I will fully understand. So if we are fully died… Then what are we doing. Our journey hasn’t even ended. Well since the grass bed equals light, this give us not life but our soul energy to move and to end this invasion. The darkness will never be able to override us.
In conclusion, We blue the survivor, the duck in the rat tribe, we are going to end the invasion or on the other side is just here to survive an get out after our fall years ago. Thank you for reading and pls give your honest opinion about my theory. I am still working on being a theorist. I started only last year. Thank you.


So a few things are right and I’ve got a few rewards because of it…


I go by a few names, the blinded soul, pale eye, lapiz terror, and multiple others. But I have gotten old and because of this, I document the fallen kingdom.

Rat Tribe

The rats through their strong fighting and companionship where not strong enough to beat the general, so they fled to the land of spores.


Souls provide light to the ones which seek it. Also is surprisingly comfortable!


Holy Good Theorist! Thank you there will be another theory about this!


I can’t wait until the Scepter Foundation to be theorized.


That will take thousands of years


Well, depends if you focus on a specific character, or the entire story.

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I cant wait to do it too but it could take ages so I plan to only do he monsters


If you want, I can send a huge summary of the story so far and you can do a theory over Subject: 000, Earl Wystan, or another mysterious character you find interest in.

So far the entire lore lies within them for the most part. I’m still working out many details on other worlds and such.

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