Coreplex's Theory Room

That’s totally fine, life is busy for me at the moment too. Probably not going to be able to update the game this week anyways (Maybe I’ll be able to sneak in something small, but I don’t know if I’ll have any time)


I see, Well sorry for the late reply, it’s been 12 days. Since your are updating it, would you still like me to post the theory or do it after your game is done. Theory progress is very slow because of lag.
Game is laggy.


I might have a theory on it.


You can do it now, i havent had the time to update it anyhow. Plus, it’ll probably give me inspiration to keep going!

Also, what are you playing the game on? It runs fine for me, and I dont have a particularly good computer either

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Well, Right now I am trying to update my computer. So It might stop lagging. But your game is really good. But maybe it could be the texting system making it lag.

I will also post the theory now. But it was really hard to connect the pieces with the lag. But I think I got it. I need to really update my PC.


Hey if you can do me a flavor, if you have time maybe you could do a walkthrough, I need to double check this theory. I need to step forward not backwards. If I am going to become flowlab’s theorist, I have to bring up my game.


Minor spelling mistake :skull:

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:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:
Yes. I know. Thank you. for telling me
But. It’s fine. The theory must go on.


At this point I should just be given the “Grammar Police” tag so everyone can be warned beforehand


Cool. Don’t shoot me if I “slpell” things wrong. i have “thigns” to live for you know.


You’ll never catch me


I actually already have one! Its a little bit outdated, but the basis of the game remains the same. And considering there isnt much there as of yet it should do just fine. You can find bith the old version, and new right here: Ramshackle - YouTube

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Thanks, I will post the theory today, really. I have spring break right now so I’m free.


That is a very confusing post @Coreplex.
Please use correct spelling.

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Here’s my game Flowlab Game Creator - Adventures on Vironia
I didn’t really make many references to the story but I would like a theory made on it.

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He was purposefully misspelling because I called him out on a minor spelling mistake


Oh, I thought so. :grinning:

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It was supposed to be, I did it on purpose.


Hey Ramshackle, thanks. I checked and my theory is correct. For the old verison and the new verison I don’t know. They could be two different universe. Maybe…Maybe…


The Little Dino - Hi I am Coreplex, and today we will be doing a theory on The little Dino made by the amesome Ramshackle! Progress was a little slow, but I think I got it. Even though there was litterally nothing in the game. I think I might on it. Well, maybe the first one. But then the new verison turned into a pokemon game.

The first dino game and the new verison are two different universes Like I said, it could be two separate worlds. In the old version, killing is not allowed. Killing is wrong. So wrong. But in the new verison, you can kill like there is no tomorrow, what a life. Now for the new verison, there are is no narration. You just go and start the killing spree. Now thats why have to make two different theories for both versions.

The Little Dino: Old Verison I feel like the game has a twist…you know…if you read the narration carefully, this dino has no idea what is going to happen. She just…had the urge to kill today. She been wandering around the whole world and she just decided to go rogue on that day…Or did she even decide her self?? At the end of the level after you kill all the dinosaurs… it tells you that you didn’t have to listen to your thoughts. Well I think this is all just a trick. She had no choice, too. Ever since we step into the game, we control her. Like I said, she is wandering around freely, but when we enter the game, we are controlling her. Little did she know, we were the one that made her kill. But once more, we can decide not to. So basically, we have control over her life. So you should be ashamed of yourself. You demons! (Probably includes me)

The Little Dino: New Version
Now let’s move on to the new verison. The unfinished version. Welcome to another Little Dino timeline where killing is legal! Great! Now let’s just run into plain grass and start doing pokemon battles!

Anyways, even though this game is not complete, I might have one theory on it. Nothing weird is really going on, except for dinosaur are roaming the land. We have a chose to battle them or not. We can just run around. But let me tell you something…The game is a void. If you go inside the arcade, and come out to talk to that talking dino. You tell him that it is empty. But he does not seem bothered by it. It has seem as they been living there forever…in this corrupted world that takes over your mind. Now, Since your new you feel as if everything is boring, but surely you stay long enough, your mind is going to give in to this world.

Now this two games are really connected. I think the old verison is reality, while the new verison is in the our mind. It’s hell. We are stuck to do the same thing over and over. Just kill and play. No wonder you can just kill whenever. Because it’s all in the mind.

Well…Bye. I think my theories are getting a bit worse. I don’t know. Maybe it’s my grammar. The way I text is so unpro.