Crashing into walls

So I have a sonic parody type game, but I want to know if it is possible to crash into walls at a certain speed. I already have a switch made so the collisions enable when going the right speed, but I have no clue what to do for the crashing into walls part. I mostly want the player to bonk into the wall kind of like Peppino from Pizza Tower when he goes too fast. (The character is from SAGE 2019 DEMO). Is it possible? I’ve been working on this for too long.

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Hope this helps!


Not really, the movement in my game seems to be different than the one in your example, and I can’t seen to find the message “break”. Also when I mean when snick is crashing into walls, I mean that he should be stunned for a bit, and then snick should be able to move again. Is this possible at all?

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I uses player velocity. When the player velocity is equal to the max speed, then the wall will break.

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I still don’t understand. I have this setup here that makes it so a switch turns on when the speed is maxed out. I just don’t know what to do with it.

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Here I will make an example

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Okay thanks a lot mate

Still waiting on that example…

So you want help making a system to make him crash into the wall? Like playing a crash animation and destroying itself?

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Not exactly, you see, if you’re going fast in the DEMO I was talking about, you crash into a wall and loose your speed. I want to know if that’s possible. If you hit a wall on it’s sides while going max speed I want the player to crash and loose their speed. However I don’t want the blocks to break. Here is an example of what I mean:

sorry I think I have a diff time zone cuz it was night when you had sent me that, sorry, the game is ready now. Flowlab Game Creator - crash into wall ex Hope this helps

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Ahh it’s alright. This has helped me so much, I was able to figure it out because of you two, thank you all so much!


No problem, glad to be of your service