Cube Reviews


If you would like me to review your game, please post the game link here!
I will like your game, too! i have my own so might as help you :slight_smile:


Your Review for Little Dude World:


  • Good music
  • Good graphics
  • Fun and enjoyable


  • ‘Bonus’ level was quite hard
  • Sometimes when you jump on an enemy, you also die

Total score:

4/5 Survive the Zamboodles


Your review:


  • Easy controls
  • Suitable music
  • Good graphics (Especially Boss)


  • Maybe make the game harder by making the enemies move?
  • ‘Fight’ command on Boss Battle doesn’t seem to work

Total score:


OH! i sent the wrong link
heres the actual one:


Your review for Survive the Zamboodles:


  • Good graphics (for Flowlab)
  • A nice, big game world
  • Good music


  • The bullets in ‘Desert Overworld’ can’t really be seen because of the background
  • The ‘Objective: find survivors’ label is a bit disturbing - maybe delete label after 10 seconds or put message on GUI alert?

Total Score:



@“JR 01”

Your review for DRIVE:


  • VERY GOOD graphics
  • You can change the music
  • Points save, even after quitting the game


  • When buying a new car, can’t select the car
  • Every time you go to the home screen, and back to the game screen, the instructions appear - there should be a way to skip the instructions

Total score:

4.5/5 or 9/10

Instructions? Do you mean the loading screen?
It prevents starting the game unexpectedly, but I can shorten how long it takes if it’s too annoying.
Also you change the tips by clicking on it.

After purchasing a car, it’s not automatically selected.
You need to press the select button after purchasing.

A lot of 4/5’s in this review :lol: But here is my game, A Boy in Armor (A story game). Please give it a review and and suggestions you’d please. Here’s the link:

P.S., if you could also please give it a like, as people say they like it, but still won’t do that :lol: Thanks, and good luck!

My review needs a cool graphic, thanks for the idea.


Your review for A Boy in Armour:


  • Good graphics, a lot of detail was put into the game.
  • I am saying this for the fifth time :slight_smile: , but there is music!
  • You can sprint, which is a good addition to the game


  • I notice you have used the A and S keys to sprint. Maybe change it to A and D, as most people are more comfortable with that?
  • You could put a ‘Home’ button in at the end of the game

Total Score:

4.5/5or 9/10

There is actually a secret home button at the end of the game, but you’d have to try and find it :lol: Thanks for the review! And I will change the sprint keys for that, since it is a simple fix, but can be crucial for some players. Thanks again, and good luck with the other reviews! it’s not done but its playable make sure to check out the settings button. (I always say that because most of the time people ignore it if I don’t)

@“Johnny boy”

Your review for Rise:


  • Not too easy, not too hard - just perfect
  • The game saves your highscore
  • There is a shop!


  • You could add some animations to make it more entertaining
  • There is a block just sitting there in the bottom left corner. Maybe destroy it or move it?

Total Score:

4.5/5 or 9/10

@clammytepee can you relook at my game i fixed the complaints :slight_smile:

Thanks @clammytepee Ill get rid of that block

I’m so sorry everyone! My account wasn’t working and I couldn’t review anything. I’m back on now, so feel free to post your games here!