Custom Fonts/Font Editor

I’m working on an arcade-styled game, and I wanted to use the same font from most games back then. Currently, that font is not in Flowlab, so I have to create a new object whenever I want to put text in my game. I would love it if there were some way to import custom fonts to your projects, or even if there was a built-in font editor.


PixelPizza has a design for this I think, give me a sec…

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You could change the animation to your own text, and use the bundle. Also, you can make animation of all the letters in one block, and use an extracto with the name selected, then go into a list, then into the goto input of the animation if that makes sense. Also I can give you an example game;


Thanks, that example helps a lot! I tried the label bundle yesterday and could barely understand anything in that, but your example makes way more sense. I’ll definitely be using something like that in my game!

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No problem! I am glad it worked!

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