Deadly Stars topic

I wanted to make a comic series but didn’t know what to name it, I had no choice but to use ai (ewww) or just copy cloud, so go check out @Deadly_Smile 's original unnamed comic and wait I guess for comic 1.

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But tame that comic!
Untamed animals can be very dangerous!

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oops sorry

my keyboard is broken

Phew! An untamed comic series going around would be dangerous! At least you’ve tamed it now.


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As soon as I saw these images I heard the sound of doors opening but they sounded like the cocking of a gun.

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I need more characters so why not ask the viewers
make your own character (don’t need to use this format) and I will rate it, please list the characters personality and its name. see ya

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  • No, you are so idiotic to think I will join, please leave the facility immediately.
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adj big stoopid

sorry big stupid took my laptop

It needs to be drawn and posted srry

big stupid dislikes your presence, plus you’ve seen him before