Dialogue Systems?

Is there any ways to make a diglogue system in flowlab? A more advanced and smooth one. I looked through the examples, and they weren’t the one I was exactly looking for.

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What kind of Dialogue system? We have a bunch, I normally use RPG type ones. But from what I remember you’re making some story thing right? Or was that someone else?

Maybe this would help?

All the code is in the “typewritter” thing.

I can make another version with more clear code if you’d like. Not sure if this is what you want though.


Yeah, This isn’t a RPG. So I’m trying to code some diglogues for the characters.

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Would it be one that filled up the screen in a rectangle box thing? Or like in paper mario when the dialogue is in a text bubble. There’s a lot of ways Dialogue could look.


A bubble text would be nice. I heard one of the user made one.

So like a bubble text that appears over an object or a player?

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Well, next to the player woul be good. I will show you.

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Well really that’s the same as my system, as how the test and options could be. Just the bubble around it is the only other thing.

Also how will your game be like?

Will the player choose what to do, then there is text based off that? Do you want the text bubble to be auto moving to the person’s head?


Yes, basically all that. The game will be chose based, and the character will say what you choose. It’s a point and click type of game too.

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@Flying_Fajita, how does your system work? I’m trying to create a dialogue system for my game, but I can’t seem to get it right.


Ig create a new help request for it, not sure how you want it to trigger, but I can explain it and clean up the code there

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