@Discobot had blocked me for some reason

Uh Oh Spaghetiio’s

Darkening Days: An Eternian Story Team Discussion come here i need assistance.



circle :black_circle: :green_circle: :large_blue_circle: :orange_circle: :purple_circle: :red_circle: :white_circle: :yellow_circle:

are you bored @Baconcat008?

Yes very (202020202020)

I haven’t heard @8-bit_Studio at all today. I tried asking him something earlier, but I still haven’t got a response yet.

I hope hes ok!

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I ask for help an all I get is dang spam. Seems accurate.

you could also stop complaining, that may help

Do calm down. Do you now know sarcasm.

@discobot is a stupid ai and thats fine @grazer will fix it when he can so keep your pantys on

Geez someone is in a sour mood today. Cheer up camp.

Also for the record I were boxers not pantys.

oh sorry rather you were wearing Very “manly” pantys

What has this topic become

Never heard such accurate words.

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just a hilarous mess of insults xD

Oooooooof (20 chars limit’

Yea, that’s accurate

@discobot display help