Doors Of The Kings

CodeAlpaca, I’ll definitely do so once I get to that part, thanks! And I know about the crazy stuff people do with the engine, although for a semi-beginner like me it’s pretty limiting unless you want to get deeper into how the engine works. So if I ever want to sink my toes in then I’ll definitely ask!

GODZ, er, thanks? (did I win something?) Not sure what we’re congratulating but yay!
And you’re welcome! I’m glad to hear that you found some more passion for game development. I think there are tons of ups and downs when it comes to making games, it takes a lot of perseverance but it’s fun.
And if you ever want to get into better animations then I’d recommend some stuff from AdamCYounis as well as learning about the 12 principles of animation if you want to get really serious, although you only need to focus on half of them (IMO Squash and stretch, Follow-Through and Overlapping Action, Ease In Ease Out, and Timing).
Good luck with your future endeavors, I’ll look forward to any new games you make!


I have a question, would this game get controller support?

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I don’t have any plans for controller or other platform support. If I ever do it, it’ll probably be somewhere at the bottom of the list of things I want to do. It’ll be a while before you see any non-PC platform support.


Yes you won the reward of helping a game developer come back to flowlab to make games.


Thats me now


Here’s another art dump, just the sketches are just ideas for now, so they might be changed.
I’ll slowly work on these for a while or work on a few room backgrounds.




Here I worked on a new gargoyle sprite that I like a lot better, although I don’t know if I like the smaller wings or larger wings so I’ll just sit on it for now.

I finished the first two doors, although I left out the brush door since I want to make a better design for it, something more reminiscent of an overgrown jungle cave.


The doodle above the mouth door was to show that when the player walks past the door it’ll flip to follow you but the doodle kinda just looks like a mad face.

Here’s the reference I used for the gargoyle and the closed-mouth door.
The second image is from STRAY, I liked the idea of the fleshy walls being a bit wed-shaped.

Also, I might try to do some stuff on twitch.
If I can work out how to do it I might do a bit of an art stream.
It’s not exactly going to all be about DOTK, just some doodling.
so IF I can figure it out, I’ll post an update for it.


That’s all for now, bye!


aaaay, I got twitch to work!
Is it working well? no yes
If you’d like to see me fumble around then I’ll be doing a bit of a test run in 15-ish minutes.
I’ll just be drawing some random stuff and taking requests for an hour and a half-ish.
So if anyone’s interested then I’ll see ya there!

Some things I forgot to mention, I don’t have a mic so you’ll just see me in chat, I might be AFK just configuring a bit with stream elements, and I’m doing this in case anyone wants to see what I do when I draw.

update: Done streaming!


I’ll be live on twitch working on this week’s update for DOTK if anyone wants to watch! ヾ(•ω•`)o
I thought it might be fun to show people how I make this sort of stuff.
If you have any questions I can show ya what it is ya want to know, so come say hi!
Also, this’ll be one of two streams today, gonna do one in the morning and then one in the afternoon.


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I finished the first doors animation and I laid out a basic template for the animation of the mouth.
The foliage still needs a lot of work right now since it’s just a hole in the wall and not a door so I still need to add some stuff as well as change the bushes since they don’t have very defining details.


All this was made on stream so if ya want to check out how I made this go to my twitch channel and check out the vod, it’ll only be up for a few days before it’s auto deleted.


Man, that first door animation is so amazing - it’s so smooth!


How did you make the first door look like ti faded into he darkness. Hell of a talent :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


i think i’d like the 2nd much more if it slowly increased in detail all throughout the animation as right now it looks really jarring


well he did say it was just a basic template


they probably just used a gradient tool in their pixel editor. Asesprite has one that does that exact thing.

I actually do it manually, it’s something I picked up after doing a ton of shading with animation.
using the gradient tool makes it look really rough and doesn’t transition the colors very well so I do it all manually, I still have the vod on twitch for when I made it up if you want to see how I actually do it.

It’s important to know where the light source(s) is.

I basically take the darkest color and make it “grow” by extending it toward the light source.
It’s also important that you keep the colors consistent with the details.

For example:

the indents on the planks and the door knockers do become darker but I make sure the details are still visible by making them lighter or darker than the surrounding area.

I do it with the rest of the colors until they get smaller. Once they become small enough I just remove them and basically make the next lightest color replace the color that was removed.

The difference between this and using a shading tool is that the area that the color takes up isn’t the same area that the neighboring colors had.

You can kinda visualize it like a line where you have a few colors and they grow and shrink, I’m basically doing that but then warping it around the object like saran wrap.

If you watch me do it I constantly flip back and forward between frames to look for pixel differences which is really tedious and takes a lot of time but look really nice.

Here I made a small example with the different perspectives of an object since 3d objects are a bit hard to visualize for each frame.
I also made some bands to show how colors “grow” and warp around objects.

Shading movement example



This week I fixed some flickering with the first door, now the shadows on the bars are smoother.
Did a bit more for the second door, hopefully, I can get it done next time, but I might need to adjust the timing a bit, not too sure.
The last door has no changes, still stumped on what to do with the bushes, not that I’d be working on it just yet.


Not too much this time, lately I’ve been containing all the time spent working on these into a short period of time rather than spread out across the day. Me streaming my work was one way to help me get more focused on working on this while not wasting time.
It’s been working out great so far but since finals week is coming up soon I haven’t had much time.
Well, I say soon but it’s not really that close, it’s just that the inevitability of it looming over me makes it seem like it is.

Anyway, that’ll be all for now, I have to go and deal with reality. ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴


Maybe for the third door, the bushes and vines could shake and slide away to an opening? Or maybe shake and morph into a doorway? I’m thinking of leaves falling off and more branches being shown to form an arch.

Anyways, these are looking great:D

EDIT: And good luck with finals! Mine are coming up as well lol


Does the leafy opening have to be openable? Can it just be an opening? That might fit well with the overgrown theme of that particular door. For an animation, you could have the vegetation sway like in a wind.
Anyway, nice job on the art! I’m very excited for this game.