These are still all great ideas though. So I will probably put some as a auto attack, or something.
Well, its kind of a skill tree right? so here are a few in ascending order (for the skill tree) The numbers are orders, so like 1 is first skill, and multiple 2’s means you can evolve 1 into any of the 2’s and so one, the letters are that but its more specific
Adamant Scales 1
-Passive Gives you permanent armor
Glass Scales 2-G
-Passive slows enemies down within a certain range but less armor, doesn’t affect blind enemies
Spiky Scales 2-S
-Passive Same armor and damages enemies that hit you
Shattering Scales 3-G
-Passive On top of the other buff from Glass Scales, when hit, breaks off some scales that fall to the ground and act as a sort of landmine to enemies, disappears when stepped on
Luminescent Scales3-G
-Activate On top of other buff from Glass Scales, upon activation momentarily stuns all enemies, and keeps them from homing onto you for a longer amount of time(they just aimlessly wander) doesn’t affect blind monsters
Exploding Scales-3-S
-Passive Enhances effect from Spiky Scales and knocks back any enemies more
Battle Ready 3-S
-Activate Makes Spikes sharper and bigger, making you have more armor, damage and damage reflection for a short amount of time, when skill is not active Spiky Scales still apply
haha, you are using the same format too
Meh it’s ok. I just need to know what is G and the S mean…
so 2-G’s “evolutions” are the 3-G’s
Siren’s Song
-Activate Stop and play a lullaby that stops all enemies from attacking and bring them all close to you, after the song is finish, the enemies are stunned for 2 seconds and disoriented for the 5 more
disoriented= attacks are 2 times slower and weaker and weakens armor
Insane Incantation
-Activate Takes 3 seconds to take effect, if it is, then make all enemies within range have a chance to go insane(the further the enemy, the less of a chance) If hit while intoning, you go insane
Insanity= Permanently makes you run around in random directions and attacking randomly, can be cured with potions
Ability ideas:
Prayer of Ogre
-Activate Summons a very specific ogre to help you in battle and onion all the enemies. When ogre ally is killed, drops powerful ogre-made onion weapon as a memorial.
Through the Vents
-Activate Be able to travel underground, then pop back up and impersonate enemies.
Nice! We have a among us reference…But this ability will be in the slealth skill tree. There are three skill tree for different types of attacks, no spoilers though.
Thank you @John_Shrekinson This is actual a good thing as there will be a whole army to fight in part of my story design.
Apart from that I have made my first model of the main character.
he looks based, is the skill tree going to be like stealth, attack, and health?
Here is a question for you all
Should this game have difficulty selection?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Not really, I drew him on my own no templates.
Yes exactly.
It is slealth, power, and health.
Slealth Attacks: In this universe slealth attacks do highly amount of damage to the enemies, but if you are seen the slealth attacks will not do that much damage. But if will stun the enemy instead, instead of a one-hit kill.
Power Attacks: The main character’s use of these attacks are strong and fast-paced. The new gained abilites will help take on a group of enemies, so the character is not overwhelmed.
Health Attacks: Upon hitting enemies, you will take their life and regenerate you health a little. This abilities does not work on all like bosses, heaved_Armor people. This also allows you to heal without enemies but there is a side effect.
Melodic Memory
-Activate Allows you to use another skill at the same cost, regardless of the cooldown
These four "songs"could be evolutions of some basic song skill-
Simple Song
-Activate Heals you for a small percentage of your health
Flaming Efigy
-Activate Kill every single enemy on screen and have your health set to 0, while staying alive for 15 seconds, if you manage to heal you will be revived at 1 hp
Self Dissection
-Activate Kill yourself and create a mangled corpse of yourself that when touched gives you a small temporary health bonus that permanently increases the amount it heals every time you die
ok, so small change, you cant use potions or any health items to heal while half dead