Ember's art and animation club [OPEN TO REQUESTS]

Welcome! …TheBardofthePixelatedTavern!
That’s a long name. Anyway, welcome to the Flowlab Forums! Over here we like to make art and stuff and mostly game dev. There are a few things I should let you know.

  • If you see an old topic, make sure not to revive it with a post irrelavant to it. (ex: You find a topic about needing help with a game someone is making made 5 years ago and you just reply: “e”)

  • The F-Bomb is banned. You could say some curses but they must be blurred. (You can blur words with the little gear on the top right when making a post.)

  • Do not get TOO off-topic in other user’s topics!

If you want to get off-topic I suggest you join the OTC (Off-Topic Channel) which is on it’s 5th topic right now. (The previous ones reached the reply limit.) I hope you enjoy your time here on the forums!

Sorry, JUSTPLAINOP if you saw that as off-topic.

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Ahh, thank you very much @DeadlyGumChewer! I very much appreciate the tutorial to the forums. I’ll keep all that in mind!
If my name is too much of a mouthful, or shall I say wordful, feel free to call me Bard.


It took me a little, and I know it could have been better, but ah, I believe he is rather cute.


Idk why but this seems very AI generated, I am sincerely sorry If I am wrong. It doesn’t seem to be any of the animals listed, instead a strange amalgam of bug and pouchless kangaroo, and it doesn’t seem to be next to any disaster.

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What’s this?
And this?
And this?
To my knowledge pixels are only square!!

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I do see those, I failed to notice before. I believed I had hardened all the edges, but I suppose not. It really is difficult to spot all the small mistakes! Thank you for calling them to my attention, I shall do better next time.

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Butterfly wings and antennae, and a flood is what I meant to convey. I tried at hooves on his paws, but I never was any good at animal drawings. :sweat_smile: Perhaps I should not have attempted this challenge, as a novice.

So you’re saying you drew this? It appears to have been done by AI, as those curves are often the type of stuff AI creates when making pixel art or using AI upscaling. Maybe you did do this, though it’d be nice to have a good explanation for why there are several anomalies like the curved “pixels”, partial pixels (not even a full pixel size), and just random pixel artifacts that I wouldn’t expect from someone who could do pixel art on this level


Gaps, mixels, and round pixels??? :thinking:


The only reason you came back is to confront someone using ai, Nice


Correct :moyai: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Actually it’s partially due to numerous complaints of people lying about/stealing art on Discord
That and apparently people ban evading with multiple alts
I’m just looking into all the reports is all



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Yeah it’s kind of idiotic really.

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You cheat with circle tool


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Thank you

Also as we approach the Spring Equinox, I’ll have more free time from work to be a bit more active as I work on flowlab games again with the new update. I may not post often on the forums, but that’s why PixelPizza and JR 01 were promoted, while I pursued hobbies, skills, and interests outside of flowlab. I’m much more active on Discord.

Unfortunately the new update broke a few plans as grazer has now prevented me from using Fetch URL to extract flowlab source code for cross-game save data out of security risk.

Instead, I plan to rebuild the floWare engine (a 4th time) in the new 60fps update and in x2 resolution. This means there may soon be more Flow-chan sketches posted, 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 :muscle::moyai: