I mean I am doing anything I can to try and restore as much work as possible. I’ll post another update as soon as I have more info.
would you rather me not restore it myself (way easier for me) so then you can restore everyones without us trying to edit them and saving them to the cloud over and over or however the saving on flowlab works
Can we edit our games now?
I suggest waiting until Grazer is done, he’s going to have another update to restore more behaviors.
noooooooo i was editing my game just now
@BroBro2 - I have completed the additional restore process. Is your game in better shape now?
because of this one part of my game is lost
Is it safe to edit our games yet? I don’t wanna mess anything up…
(Please note, I am not rushing you. Please take as much time as you need to fix this!)
i tried and it is don’t worry
The restore process is complete, and I don’t plan to make any more general updates. It is safe to edit your games again.
There is still a block of time today, between about midnight and 3pm EST today where behavior updates will be missing. These updates were not in the latest backup and I can’t recover them.
Anything outside of that time block should be up and running, so please let me know if you have edits or behaviors that are still not working as expected, and weren’t made earlier today.
Thanks again for your patience today everyone - I know it was stressful for everyone involved.
thanks grazer I only had to code back a small amount of stuff
idk i went to go play basketball @grazer but ima check real quick!
@grazer most of it is back i messed with a few things like i said before you restored so those things arent restored but thats ok
Anything between 5AM UTC and 8PM UTC today wasn’t saved (11PM - 3PM EST).
But Flowlab is operational now.
Tears of joy
so when will this problem be really fixed?
some of my work has been restored but i will not work intill your sure it will save my work
@AnimeTales this issue is 100% fixed, you may continue working on your games now.
thanks ramshackle for the heads up
I think I lost some stuff from this but not too much and I was able to redo it pretty quickly because of how simple the game still was (edit) before I read all this I was confused about what was happening because I had a message on my game saying to refresh my game and whenever I edited something it said error and I ignored it and kept editing my game and I then finally decided to refresh just to get rid of the message and I thought it was just a save error and it was going to delete just a few things but I didn’t expect it to delete the whole thing and when I started re-coding everything I did something else for a minute and when I came back mostly everything had reappeared