Hello, I am new to flowlab and am having a major problem. I had made the enemy follow the player, and it worked all fine, but when I added a few more enemies, it stopped working.
Please help.
Hi Kasamir,
welcome to the forum.
A good way of doing this is instead of using the message in the player behavior you can use a global (in Logic & Math) to always track the players x and y position. (you just swap the messages blocks with the global and give 2 names to that global "Player X, Player Y)
Then you open the E-Triangle Enemy
And use the same global names to get the position and connect it like the message behavior to the point at.
Any other objects you may need can get the players position this way without having create a message every time.
Goodluck with your project.
if you want to make your code cleaner and easier to work with you can check out alpacas code suggestions, especially the bundles at step 3.
Thank you Sir. I will try that