Ha ha! I have fallen in love with the sword mechanic, so Im am bouta make a roguelike game with a Jedi Ewark(Ewok) I am going to post updates here, so yeah
Hey, there’s a Disney Rep at the front door. He’s asking for you, saying you “Violated Copyright” or something.
Jokes aside tho, epic game
what? I haven’t even done much, I am working of the laser bullets, you know how lightsabers can deflect them? Yeah, I’ve done that and its gonna be cool, theres a chance to also just destroy the bullet
I just made this game really satisfying, the bounces are crazy
Worked on the game, adding plants and working on lightsaber levels
It would be cool if you could swap out different lightsaber crystals to customize your blade
That’s what I might do
You guys are experts!
Maybe I’ll try the sword sometime.
Should the lasers be correct, or should I alter the speed to different difficulties?
- Slow Bullets at first
- Star wars correct speed of lasers
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First time using lists in a actual game, thanks to @CodeAlpaca indirectly showing that lists are useful
There will be three branches
i am detecting Bloodlust vibes now
Also, I love the games like Bloodlust by Galaction where you can choose an upgrade for your weapon as you lvl up so looking forward to it!!!
@BradenS we posted at the same time lol
WHOAm what the heck, didnt know Ewark was PACKING, holy cow