I’ll play it in a bit
Haha, that’s to test the stuff
Sounds like the MouseMove behavior needs to have Game Coords selected. Sorry I couldn’t respond sooner, was practicing guitar a ton today
Oh, I learn something new everyday, thank you, you are my saviour, is that for why the lightsaber faces the middle, or is it for the labels
Idk you said something was being messed up when it was out of the starting camera area. Whichever object this is happening for is what you want it for
Thanks, it works now, I didnt even know that was a thing, thank you so much
now time to figure why the labels dont work properly
alrighty, finished up the physical upgrades
also, pressing space makes you roll, but you have to wait 20 seconds for the stamina to build up, will make visual tommorw
I will say one thing: lists are uselful
Lists are crazy useful, even if someone doesn’t know how to implement them, it’s good to be able to see cases where they can be used.
I know you have a whole topic on lists, but you know what would be a lot more useful? A topic with examples and real flowlab implementations on lists
Yeah I thought of doing this, it’s a really good idea, but I haven’t really had the time. When I use lists I’ll screenshot it and add it to a docs with a description of how it was used so I can eventually make a post for it
Dumb question: how do you enable discobot
It’s in preferences, might have to search for it tho EWARKS
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I’ll be starting each update with this now
Made health and stamina visual, when stamina bar is green, it means you can roll by pressing space