Fighting game another update

Again, this still isn’t a Flowjam entry (not even a LATE entry)

Some new stuff:

  • Knock back (Had a change of heart about it)
  • Difficulty selector (only for CPU mode)
  • 6th story (might be the worst one only because it’s story was already covered by the other stories, but at least there’s a slight ending change :D)

Credits to DeadlyGumChewer and Jy782 for these ideas. And no I won’t be putting in a jump mechanic :smiley:

Report if there’s any mistakes or bugs

Guys, my sprites somehow got corrupted. I will need time to fix them

Wait NVM they just somehow came back (except for the bat gosh darn it)

Will that mean you have to redo the entire bat story?

not the story just the character sprite. Luckily, the cutscenes and victory/losing animations can help me with that.

Alright it’s back to being playable

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