Flamin Farms(Devlog)

Enemies’ 1 more Seeds The Game is OUT!


Put this in instead of your keyboard controls so you can use WASD or arrows


I’m adding it rn Working on the farming system

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hey can someone look through my farming system in the farmland thing and help me with making it where you can only click 2 per seed

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This looks fun but how do i make it work xD


Yeah how’s it supposed to work

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hmmm basically i want it where you click the seed bad and you can place 2 seeds then when you touch a crop it drops 2 seeds and you keep expanding but i want it where you can only drop place 2 spots when you touch the seed bag.

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Put a global named “seed” and add 2 to it then subtract that with a 1 when a seed is planted.

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wait how do I subtract??

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So in the seed bag when destroyed do this

and in the farm land do this

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You might also want to name the game “Flamin Farms” or something(like name it on flowlab not just here)

Thx a lot guys for the suggestions ill make sure to do them