Flow interveiws with DWGAMEMASTER

It’s the outline of the blue crystal guy that you play as, but the world isn’t as it seems. Which is viewed when you get the bad ending.

Writing this now, I just realized of a concept that would fit the entire game directly.

it would be cool if we appeared as a easter egg as long as we dont actualy interfere with the cannon during the campain it would work

wich game?refraction?

Technically you’re canon yourself in the series.

Whenever a flowlab user submits an entity for the game. Which you submitted the Blood Knight.

I’ll credit you in the Blood Knight’s document stating that it was originally found by online user: DWGAMEMASTER or something like that.

so IM cannon…oh my god…this is a glorius day!

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If you play through Refraction entirely, and find the secret ending, it explains a message for you.

It won’t be at the end, but exploring parts of the map while switching between worlds. Basically finding a hidden room for the key. It’ll be in the section of the map past the hallway where the locked door is at.

so its time to go sceret hunting?
also you remember the entity who was a computer who could stor infinite data

I still have that idea saved, but I haven’t officially added it yet. There’s still many other community submissions that I forgot about, but definitely need to add.

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that one i remember because the joke was that a gamer used it to get 999fps while he plays games

you should make lets plays for your games

I’m not sure on the idea of recording my own games. Mostly because you won’t get the same reaction as if it were from someone who hadn’t played the game several hundred times already.

I would already know where every item, spawn location, and room would be at so it would make for a very quick video.
I have a video saved for The Facility before I changed the game entirely to the updated version.

well i do need content for my channel, what recording program do you use?

I had some on my MacBook that took several plugins to also record output audio. It wasn’t very efficient, but it worked.

The only reason I haven’t made videos on games for my PC is because I don’t know any recording software for Windows 11.

ah, ive been looking for a good recording setup

are you still there?

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sorry for revive but I would like to see this again

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darn i thought i was the king of revives

You should do an interview again, @DWGAMEMASTER.


Forgot this topic exist… perhaps i should make this like a flowlab podcast?

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Yeah I read your interview with MP and it was interesting. I MUST READ MORE.

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