“Long before time had a no-code game engine that runs in your browser, the First Flowjitzu Master created Flowlab using four elemental behaviors. But when he passed, a dark presence sought out to collect them all: Scratch Cat. So I, Elder Spider-Man, his brother, sought out to find four ninja to collect them first.”
Masters of Flowjitzu
is a stop-motion series within the Gamedev Meme Universe. It follows the ninja as they fight bad guys and protect Flowlab Game Creator while getting used to their new world.
- Episode 1
- No-Code Merge
Dang, the meme version of the flowlab lore series I used to post on the OTC. Actually sounds fun though.
Is this also a mix of stop motion and live action
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Well yes, but actually no. Episode 1, absolutely not. Episode 2, technically because there is one scene where I needed to shoot a rotating stud blaster and use my laptop, but basically no because my hands don’t show. In this series, the “live action” is only used in the same way that 2D anime use 3D animation for stuff
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Revised thumbnails for episodes 1 and 2
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What episode 3 is going to be about?
I recreated the iconic photo from the LEGO Ninjago intro