Flowjam: Time to play & rate! πŸ‘

Flowjam 2023 submissions have been closed, and the entries are in.

I have only played a few of the 52 total entries so far, but from what I have seen it looks like the quality bar has been raised again!

If you have entered the Flowjam, please take some time to play and rate as many of the games as you can. The more ratings we collect across all the games, the more balanced the overall outcome will be.

Once the ratings appear to stop being added, I’ll disable the ratings and reveal the winner :trophy:

@sup3r87 put together this handy rubric if you would like to have a guide to help you while you rate the games:

Good Luck Everyone!


How do we rate games?

If you submitted a game, you should be able to rate games. Click the β€œplay and rate games” button on the flowjam page

Sure, but once you are on that page, shouldn’t the stars be there? Is there something I am missing? Right now all I see is the games.

The stars are below the games. If you can’t see them you might not be signed into your account. If you still can’t see them you might not have submitted a game

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I forgot to log in lol. Thanks for the help!



Hello darkness my old friend :sob: :sob: :rage:
I think it’s best for me not to rate this game :exploding_head:




The Grading Rubric helps a lot when I can’t decide between 2 scores.