FLOWJAM WEEK #2 - Results!

Nananananananana @“Mhx Ar”!!!

ahahahah relatable @“Mhx Ar”

but the games made here aren’t dreams, are just quick games to test our skills so yeah

Well I just meant because people interpret things differently. Here’s an example, if I told an artist to draw a big green shielded fox, they might draw a gigantic regular photo realistic looking fox, with green fur, surrounded by a force field. A different artist might draw a muscular Fox McCloud with a green shield like something from an RPG kind of shield.

They both had different interpretations of fox, they had different interpretations of what was supposed to be green, different interpretations of the word big, and they had different interpretations of what kind of shield.

It’s hard to work with people that aren’t there in person, because it makes it more difficult to communicate and explain things to them, in order to make sure you’re on the same page with ideas. For collaborating a game on flowlab, you have no control over what they are doing or editing, especially if you work during different times of the day or in different time zones.

voice chat or just a text chat (aka Discord) would help a little bit

But i got ur point