Flowlab Community Roleplay/Flowdnd


@paisleypug ?


Screenshot from 2023-07-28 08-41-02


:moyai:: MOAI summons another MOAI that does :moyai:


Attack: :moyai:

Health: :moyai:

Defense: :moyai:

Energy: :moyai:

Wisdom: :moyai:


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Paper Queen

High Heel Hit: The Queen pulls off her heel and stabs the enemy. -50 HP
Fairytale Storybook: Queen summons a giant book that inhales the enemy. -100 HP.
Paper Crown: She takes her crown and throws it and it creates many paper cuts. -30 HP
Heart of Glass: The Queen creates a glass heart then breaks it, sending glass at the enemy. -20 HP
Kingdom of Ash: The Queen burns everything she touches. -10 HP ever turn.

Attack: 20
Health: 65
Defense: 60
Energy: 400
Wisdom: 100

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that attack is mid, real weaponized heels don’t need to be removed and have retractable blades built in :muscle::crossed_swords: /s

Old One

Memories of Obliteration: The Old One manifests a past catastrophic event that has happened in the close vicinity of it, the DM can decide how catastrophic the event manifested is.
Whispers of Coercion: Rolls a D20, if it rolls over 15 then the enemy is controlled by the Old One for 3 turns.
Swarm of Death: Calls upon locusts to swarm all enemies, -40 HP, 2 turns to charge
Mist: Exhales a strange mist from it’s mouth, after the mist subsides(1-5 turns) enemies will be changed into completely random, different enemies.
Starborn: The Old One calls down the stars upon earth, -100 HP, 5 turns to charge

Attack: 0
Health: 50
Defense: 30
Energy: 10
Wisdom: 999

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when i was a kid i would write stories about a oragami (did i say that right? i mean like that paper folding stuff from japan) samauri (did i say that right either?)

Haha no I’m talking about normal heels, you have to take them off your foot.
But now I want some heels with blades built in.

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I was casually scrolling through pics that go hard and found the most beautiful image




He looks like my little Easter Island stress toy.




Anyone dnd? @paisleypug @DWGAMEMASTER @BeesyBee @JUSTPLAINOP @ARRTY

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No time, I have to review games.

I mean, I guess we can.

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make charecter time


guy with hands-and-red-eyes


Grab: Kidnapper grabs the enemy and strangles them. -30 HP.

Theres candy in my van: Kidnapper tricks an enemy in to his van then eats them -111 DMG.

Laserbeam: Kidnapper charges his red laser eyes, and fires two powerful lasers -55 DMG.

Finger Gun Kidnapper uses the finger gun on an enemy -10 DMG.

Mirage: Kidnapper summons 5 hands that circle around an enemy and eventually karate chop the enemy 1-5 times, for each hand that hits -15 DMG.


Attack: 25

Health: 420

Defense: 1

Energy: 9999

Wisdom: -1

charecter lol

@paisleypug @ARRTY @DWGAMEMASTER dnd
(also can you link me to Flowjam Bingo please @DWGAMEMASTER?)

im betting rn, heres the link

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