I am meburningslime, long-time user. I hope to keep this forum post alive, so feel free to comment below!
I have made a tutorial in often-asked questions and mechanics. If you have a question about how to do something, just ask and I shall make an example! :slight_smile:
@“Maged Maged” @splash2018

Hope this post is gonna be veiwed by flowlabers in the WORLD OF FLOWLAB

Its just a coin and follow example…

@“JR 01” If you actually read the post you would realize that im willing to add whatever anyone asks for in terms of game mechanics.

Then its not for beginners and its just different mechanics, like my and Grazers examples.

Its is for begginers, it lets them learn the gmae mechanics without having to search the forum or wait for a response.

Trampoline mechanic updated! @mtl144 @“Maged Maged” @RageDayz anything you guys want to see added in? :slight_smile:


My Flowlab tutorial that’s been in development for a long time mainly because I’ve lost interest in it: TrY mE

@browngr ? what?

Oh, I have a How to Use Flowlab Game that I made like a few months ago but haven’t finished because it’s really boring and repetitive to make… /=