Flowlab games crossover(Biggest game that will be in flowlab)

ok i got some of the characters time to put the main one
The game developer!

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can you post the link to the game? or are you waiting until it’s somewhat complete

Flee was my submission for the 2020 flowjam.

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Someone has done it before.
Its called Flowlab All Stars.


And also could you add in Lucas?

ok I will try I am going to release the game(give a link) when I make the storyboard and make the first part of the game

Put Bob in (:


XD ok. I will try to add Bob in. now that theres a new character i have to make a new story.
So since this is a crossover should the player go through different worlds of that protagionist or antiongist or should they all be in one place???


maybe make a poll

  • be in one place
  • be in their realm but you go to theirs

0 voters


heres a anti cheat mechanic for your game

and heres my crossover

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I don’t think that’s an anti-cheat mechanic. A true anti-cheat mechanic would be a system using the cloud because you can’t add things to the cloud if you opened the editor, so if you make a system to check if you can add to it, you can prevent people from playing the game if they entered the editor.


well if they cheat it takes them to the level that then unleashes the virus

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Here is the beginnging and which yes it does suck so, here it is.


looks pretty cool ngl
is the “P” guy the main character in the game?

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yes that the main character

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I will have to make many different types o art since he will be entering different realms

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(really old game: Flowlab Game Creator - X-Plode!)


Wait whats all this Dino Dev?

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