Flowlab.io - jump man jump

Flowlab Game Creator - jump man jump Hi I just made a character select screen but whenever I use it always takes the original character the zombie are there any ways to fix this please help thank you


I’m still very amateur here, so I don’t have an easy way to solve your problem for you… but what I can say is that your zombie sprite already exists in the first playable level, and your “player controller” doesn’t…

There are probably multiple solutions to this. I could show you the hard way that I know of, but it would take me a long time to code. There is likely a much easier way using globals (and adding that global input to each level).

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ok thank you so much I have been trying to fix this problem for a long time and you are the only person who gave some useful advice so thanks


There are other people here who know of easy ways to make that work. The only ways I know of are long ways… you could either code the zombie sprite with different skins / animations / behaviors, but that would mean having tons of behaviors all on one sprite and making sure it received and maintained the original input choice from the start menu (or you could make the sprite interchangeable in game by pressing different numbers if you wanted to).

Another option would be to have every different playable character set up separately, and set it to where it summons the specific one to the next level. Probably easiest to do that with globals as those will carry over across levels, or you could have a screen pop up at the start of each level that asks you which character you want to use for that level, then connect it to a spawner (make sure the playable character is spawning in a playable area, and that you are only able to spawn one at a time).

I know I’m making it sound complicated, because that’s how I’ve figured out most of my own coding, but there are shorter easier ways of doing it if you can find a good example or tutorial from someone more knowledgeable.

This is actually one of the behaviors I haven’t tested personally yet, which is why I can’t give you a better answer. But I plan to use something similar in the future myself, so let’s hope somebody here posts a simple easy to explain example. :slightly_smiling_face:

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