Flowlab.io Smash Indie Ultimate (Map ideas needed)

Ok If You Want This To Stop Then Start Posting On-Topic Posts, Just Ignore Glitchctyrus

Oh ok that will work

cause you did,just apoligize its that simple

So every one do you have any ideas on map designs.

Hmmmmm… I Acually Dont Know

Ok, @GrimProductionZ Can You Change The Discussion Title Now

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So @ManiacPumpkin pretty much said everything that needed to be said about this, but I am just going to drop in my own thoughts.

See, @GrimProductionZ, even when other people have been telling you that what you are doing is not okay, you insist that you are the one who is correct, then threaten to flag us for calling you out. If there is anybody who could get flagged, it would be you for that nasty comment that you directed at JR 01. And deleting that comment isn’t going to save you from harm: many people saw you say it, and you can’t reverse that.
Think about what you are doing. If you don’t credit @glithctyrus, who was generous enough to lend you a sprite, you are opening the door for him to take legal action against you. Even if he didn’t claim the sprite, the sprite is still copyrighted, and you are technically breaking the law by choosing not to credit him. And even if glith doesn’t sue you, you are establishing the reputation of someone who uses someone’s help and doesn’t give them a “thank you”. And looking at JR 01’s post, it seems like you did use Glith’s sprite as a template to create yours, so you should be crediting him at least.

(also, I started writing this immediately after Grim posted that nasty comment, so if I am late to this nonsense, you now know why)


@ManiacPumpkin I Already Solved This Blaming Fiasco. @GrimProductionZ Can You Post A Link To The Game That Your Making

The more you guys keep arguing, the more confused I am. I first heard that @GrimProductionZ took @glithctyrus sprites and now I’m hearing that GrimProductions made the sprites for glithctyrus, but is not aloud to use them. I might need to hear both sides more clearly to see what is going on, but I’m not entirely sure if GrimProductionZ made them unless glithctyrus can clarify or vouch for him on that.

I made it,he asked if he could use it in my discussion

Oh Come, On Are We Starting This Again? You Dont Need To Understand What This Is About

Okay, so if glithctyrus made them then I’m on his side.

oh wait,im stupid. I asked people if they wanted to make skins for my game,I just now understood what he was saying,OOF

Wait, so are you saying that Grim was the original sprite maker, or was it you? Because if it was Grim, then that pretty much means we’ve all been arguing over one miscommunication.

Oh, Come On! This Has Been Going On For About 6 Days AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IT WAS JUST A…

I made the template and posted it in the discussion for people who wanted to make skins,grim never turned one in and I forgot all about it,again big OOF

im SOWWWY(must be 20 characters)

@GrimProductionZ I apologize for the miscommunication, but I still think that the ugly names you have called all of us are not justified by this.

                                  -sincerely, Mr. Ramshackle

I’m glad that this is finally settled and nothing went over the line, I can tell that @glithctyrus was upset, but never intentionally tried to hurt anyone’s feelings. @GrimProductionZ on the other hand…

You guys could’ve sat up a private message and talk this out a little cleaner so scenes like this don’t happen right out in public, well, never mind. Pulls out bag of popcorn.


??? Umm, this is not related to the discussion, so please, comments have to be related to the discussion please.