Flowlab Quest Comic

When I was @Blackhole_1001, I had a dream… that dream was to make a flowlab animated show… unfortunately, I didn’t have the skill to do so and even if I did… I put all my skill into procrastinating… which is why I’m trying again but with something I DO have the skill for…

Making comics! I’m gonna try to turn my concept of a flowlab animated show into a comic which means you’ll get to read what the show could’ve been if I were a great 4th Grade animator.

If you want to be a character tell me what you’ll look like and I’ll add you. Every comic will be based on a topic, whatever you posted in that topic will be what your character says.

Originally, I was going to make the first comic about the OTC but it’s grown to be so large that it can be it’s own spin-off comic series. Maybe I’ll do the OTC 1 at some point… Anyway vote for which topic you want to be the first comic

  • Misty Hollow
  • Ember’s Art Club
  • Pokemon Discussion
0 voters

I’m going to start working on the comic tomorrow since I want it to be digital and my drawing pad is coming in today midnight.

ok bye


Blazing heat bro :fire: :sunglasses:

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Wow. Thanks guys!


the main villiain should be the fake ai art :fearful:

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Oopsie I didn’t check what my drawing pad was compatible with and got the wrong one! My bad… Guess I’ll have to get yet ANOTHER one and that’ll take a while.

I’ll still start on the comic, but it’ll take a while since drawing on a laptop screen that’s not flat on the ground is hard for me.


Dude. I know it can take a few hours, but you gotta read those Amazon descriptions!


Haven’t gotten that new drawing pad yet so I’m just gonna start the comic

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Comic 1:
Ember’s Art Club (Part 1/2)
Up to post 2779

Comic 2:
Ember’s Art Club (Part 2/2)
Up to post 5000 starting from post 2780

Comic 3:
(not yet decided)

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woag its me :smile:

BradenS it’s fine that I used your drawings right I made sure to keep your name in all of the images


Yeah :+1: also i love how you drew my little dude


Cloud as much as I love deadly stars movie I really want to read this comic


yeah sorry I’ve been losing the images for the comic because I keep forgetting to save them


Okay, I won’t be doing the actual comic until after the Flowjam (I get my drawing pad on Christmas), so instead, enjoy some mini comics.

This one is called “The Facilety” and is a reference to the pre-break arc to someone we may know.

(The comic is based off of these posts; The Scepter Foundation - Refraction - #39 by ManiacPumpkin)


Oh by the way most of these comics will take place in very old conversations (about before Adam joined)

Maybe 1 or 4 mini comics will include new users.


Cool. The older post are more funnier so yeah

its… so peak


I got the drawing pad! And it sucks… I guess I’ll just stick to touchscreen…

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so cool