Sponkletron Piqualler Buration Minimalrayus
here yall go :))))) lol
We do a little bit of trolling.
I know, cringe posting quotes of yourself, but this sounds really bad out of context
Use all of your brain at once
Not out of context, but I honestly felt very good about my games after reading a quote that @paisleypug said. Thank you, I promise to try and find inspiration to update Ducky more and maybe make the game play a bit better.
Don’t bring up old crap. KiwiLeaf doesn’t support him anymore. This behavior of yours is why you are considered political on here and why even the apolitical memes that you post about identities end up being scrutinized for being potentially political even though they aren’t. Calling people out for politically “offensive” things just because you disagree with them isn’t right, and even if it is, it doesn’t belong on a public game development forum.
Andrew Tate is not a good guy, although the thing he claims to support, the preservation of masculinity, is good. It does not need to come at the cost of bringing femininity down though, and vice versa. KiwiLeaf posted why he no longer supports Tate on my discord server (or his) not too long after he joined.
Whoops. I missed an important detail: I don’t support Andrew Tate either. Never have and never will; because I heard about his opinions on women. Also he was arrested for human trafficking and/or something else so I don’t think good of someone who does that. I don’t think that anybody has supported him since his arrest except for misguided male youngsters.
i wasnt bringing this up i just thought it was funny out of context sorry wasn’t even trying to call this guy out
Andrew Tate does have good motives, I agree with some of the things he says but a lot of it is pretty questionable. He’s not entirely sexist but I’ve heard him say jokes I’m not very fond of. It is great that he is promoting masculinity but other things he promotes isn’t as great. At lease this is my current stand point on the guy.