Flowlab Showcase Series

Introducing the Flowlab Showcase Series

A YouTube series similar to the Dev Spotlights they do on the flowlab channel, but this is a series where I play your game to give flowlab and the developer of the game some promotion for their game.
So if you have a well-made game you want people to see, give the link below, and I’ll play it for my channel.
So far, the Showcase has 1 episode, @paisleypug’s Pilot(Null).


Some users I would want to show:
@CodeAlpaca’s Raceway
@Pixel_Name1 (Specifically Ducky when it’s done)
@Galactian’s Bladeball or Super Ballers


How fitting that the game played in the First episode is literally called “Pilot” :moyai:.


I might also play some of my games :point_right: :point_left:

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Nominate your games guys!!

It’s Gamouggin’ time!

I will probably play TG1 Anniversary and Twisted Mind Mystery in the same video.

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Makes sense, seeing as they’re both based on Gamougg 1. Feel free to play any Gamougg whenever, other Flowlab games need showcasing too

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Yes I would like some more obscure ones before we get into the popular ones like Flowjam games and gamougg.

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How about my first Flowjam game Life Cycle, it ranked 11th so it wasn’t featured. I had only used Flowlab for 1 month before making the game (And a very short period of about 2 weeks the year before) so it’s not perfect and there are a few bugs, but I actually prefer this game over the one I made for the summer jam. If you do get to the end there is a really sweet ending that I’m really happy about


Didnt cottonstudio was doing this?

yes, but i think he was mostly doing it for his youtube channel. I want to do this for smaller creators who want their game to get some publicity.


Ahhh ok, Understandable


Together we can create the Flowlab Youtube community :fist:


Me too I recorded a video of me playing Anti Matters by @CrimsonBlackGames but I haven’t uploaded it yet

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here are all my games,feel free to choose