Flowlab Youtube Channel - CodeAlpaca

Electric Rougarou - WR Holder (86)

Not a speed run, but got the high score (again) on Electric Rougarou. I extended my lead to 86. It should have been a greater amount, but I died early.


Game was created by @Bmarzi for the Summer 2021 Flowjam.



FYI Running for President now has a leaderboard…


Gods of Five in 27:17

Speedrun of the game Gods of Five, created by CodeAlpaca, Hong_Jooni_Pooni, and DinoDev for the Summer 2023 Flowjam.


I have 4 videos ready to go for the next 4 days!

Running for President (Sep 26, 10am PST)
Stacey (Sep 27, 10am PST)
Beyond the Glass (Sep 28, 10am PST)
No Plan (Sep 29, 10am PST)

Just going on a PixelPizza marathon lol

I will need to redo the Stacey Speedrun to get an improved time. My time is about 35 seconds faster than what is shown in the video, and the WR is about a 1:30 faster than my current time.
However, then game does lag for me so I’ll hold off from doing that one for a bit.

Games I want to do now are:

  1. Escape the Rewind (Time to beat: ~4:08 by Latiff)
  2. Black and White
  3. Astronn
  4. Shade (holding off on this, it will be quite the challenge. Time to beat is around 4-5 minutes by Galactian)


Maybe I should have spaced them out, but that’s alright. I’ll probably make another batch of 3-4 videos in a few days and then post those every other day so there is some content for a bit.

Serious question though, do you guys actually watch the videos? Just wondering if you like Speedrun stuff or if you only view it to “support me”


I actually like speedrun stuff, and the short but not too short duration of the videos is perfect for me to both flex on my fellow gen Zs for having a messed up attention span, and me having enough time to watch the whole videos. Plus supporting fellow Flowlab game creators W


High Score on “Running for President”

Game created by @Bmarzi / Southpaw Entertainemt
Play the game here:

Forum Post

Running For President - WR (9450)

Bmarzi, I altered game for a thumbnail to fit a wide screen instead of phone, hope you don’t mind


Hi, do you think you could maybe try speedrunning Element Alcazar? You can find it on the games page, I think it’d be a really cool speedrun since the game has a bunch of cool movement tech.

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Ofc! Do you have a baseline time at all or will I auto get the wr?

I don’t have a baseline right now, although I might attempt doing a speedrun soon.

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So I’m coming across an error. Whenever I go to the 2nd level, I start very high in the sky, so I’m just able to basically go to the finish in 10 seconds.
Game also lags while recording, but otherwise it runs fine.
My current time is 2:30, but that’s because of the skip in the 2nd level, and I don’t know the cause of that.

Also, I almost found a crazy strat, but it just barely doesn’t work


Stacey Speedrun in 4:55

Stacey by @“PixelPzza”
It’s a great game I highly recommend you play, super polished and fun. It lags for me, but for most people it doesn’t seem to be an issue. I’ll try again while not recording, performance is slightly better. (Also current pb is 4:16, but I got it after already uploading the video)
For reference, the WR is 2:38 and JR01 got a 2:50 time

You can play the game here:


Beyond The Glass Any% Speedrun in 12:11 (731)

Speed run of Beyond the Glass! Whoever said it took too long to beat was wrong :wink:

Here’s a playthrough DinoDev did of the game


I should probably update the Speedrun timer to include the time lost/saved compared to your previous best instead of just showing you your current and best time


Maybe I should ask DinoDev if she could make me some thumbnails lol


Not to be intrusive, but if DinoDev isn’t available or something, I can make some for you.


How dare you be so intrusive. But yeah, if you want you can make some and then I’ll see how I like it


It’s actually a really fun game to speedrun, I’ll probably try to get a better time in the future


What if I made a game where if detects the player ID and when it’s CodeAlpaca, it makes the game significantly longer such as unskippable cutscenes, increases difficulty, and overall more annoying features that increase the duration of the game, lol.


You cannot prevent the alts >:), but even then, I would Speedrun the game in its full of unstoppable cutscenes


Hello, haven’t update you guys in a while!
I have been uploading speedruns, but I forgot to post it here. So here are some of the things you missed!

Also, I finally got audio to work, so future videos will have the gameplay audio! (No more horrible music lol!)

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Also, new video of “YourQuest” by @Lyndon_Bork