๐Ÿš€ GALACDRIVE support nexus

The purpose of this forum topic is to provide a multitude of links for those looking to discuss, review, suggest, bug report, and all other things related to GALACDRIVE. You may leave comments on this post, however that is not the point of the page.

This page exists due to appleโ€™s requirements for a support link. Hi, apple inspector!!


:computer: Contact the developer privately: Sup3r87 games email

:speech_balloon:Make suggestions and discuss the game: Sup3r87 games discord server


This topic recently went to the top of the category.

I am wondering what JR01 changed two days ago.

Apologies for reviving this topic, but my curiosity got the better of me.

since the rebrand I had to change the contact email, thatโ€™s all :slight_smile:

Ok. It says JR01 edited it, so I was a bit confused. Sorry.