Game Development Log

I am currently making a new game and since this will probably be one my bigger games I decided to log my progress on here. It might not be daily just to say but I will put up screenshots and updates on here.
I won’t link the game because i don’t want anyone playing it until it is ready(Unless I have a question about the programming).

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Screenshot 2023-06-26 4.33.11 PM
Current Game Layout

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add the other party members as different carathers

What do you mean by this?

ngcr, pug, me, roland, the water bandit etc

Ohhhh, this is supposed to be Apolla Selene’s backstory essentially, I also don’t think I’d have the skills to do add all of that.

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i could help, can you post a download sprite of selene?

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I’ll see because this adventure is about how Apolla got her staff(The Staff of the Stars) which is an adventure she did on her own…but I’ll see is I can do something with it.

okay, can i have that download sprite though?

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Screenshot 2023-06-27 12.50.26 PM
Here is a screenshot if it works. You can use this game link to access it if needed.

uuummm, so you just head to selenes sprite editor, and you hit the download button, it should open a new tab, just drag the image from the new tab into a new post on the forums

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(the link will work tho)

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Ok, so after a bit of thought, I will be attempting to make a cutscene at the beginning of the game and I can add sprites that look like your characters in the background as a sort of Easter egg almost. I will have to check with all of the others for it(I would also mention all of you guys in the credits)so that way I get permission to do so.
(I might not end up doing this in the end if I can’t get the programming to work)

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cool! small art tip, you game has a lot of mixel art, try and keep that to a minimum


here is a template i made you, now it will be more easy to make carathers without mixels


that sprite still has mixels in it lol

far less though, also you wanna play some flow dnd?

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nah I’m good. I’m on vacation rn

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aaww man, say who else is active?
also have you seen marigold?

Alright thanks! This is really helpful since I have been trying to improve my pixel art!