Game feedback? (very early alpha)


I’ve been working on a lil’ game for the past few weeks and was wondering if anyone could provide feedback on it. Just simple stuff like how movement feels, if I should slow down or speed up game objects, etc.

My game GALACDRIVE is in an extremely alpha stage and is really more or less in a barebones state. The music is old music from my previous game and is placeholder for the new music that my friend is working on. I am currently working on a health system, and plan to add a death animation next. The game can be played here: Flowlab Game Creator - GALACDRIVE

Insights and feedback for what I have so far would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Hey! I really like the concept of this game, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. As for a review, I feel like perhaps the player’s side-to-side movement should be just a tad bit slower, as I found it mildly difficult to control and found myself overcorrecting a lot. Also, it took me an obscene amount of time to find out that I could wrap around the screen, pac-man style. So you may want to add some sort of heads-up about that. Overall, though, I quite like it. Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll experiment with slowing down the player. The weird part is the player moves at different speeds depending on my device. I’m not sure why that is, lol. I’ll also see if I can do some sort of screenwrap tutorial.

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Nice game but I’m stuck


I also got stuck, but the smooth movement are just perfect :pinched_fingers:


That happened to me a few times, but I’m pretty sure that just means that you died, cus it only ever happened after I had been hit 3 times


Yeah, seems plausible


sorry for the late reply. I haven’t added a death animation, so yeah you get stuck lol. The game will of course start itself over after you die. Like i said it’s in a super early alpha :slight_smile:


Understandable, have a great day (and game development)!


Been a while, nice seeing you again:D

PS, really like the game! The visuals are great and the controls, even though simple, feel amazing!


Thank you! I’ve been working on projects for a while and figured I’d do one last one on flowlab to exercise my game dev abilities. I’m planning on learning unity soon and figured I’d get myself warmed up by going back into flowlab for a game, since I haven’t worked on one in a while.

Good luck on your own projects!