Game Jams.

Could there be a feature where game creators and game developers can make their own game jams? For example on there you can make your own game jams.

Just only for fun, No price.

Only in flow jam, you can receive prices.

Ive been told that there was unofficial flowjams before I was on the website (Ive only been on since last year)

If you wanted to make a game jam, Id say maybe just post it on the forums and say the start date, end date, and when you are announcing the theme.

Im guessing thats how they did the unofficial flowjams. Maybe you could get some help from someone that has organized an unofficial game jam before.

@F3Art, Cool.

Flowlabs community isn’t really too big to have jams that anyone could create and join… mostly getting people to join is the problem.

It’s best to create a forum post and try to get members to join in on it

I joined one jam by TinkerSmith, only 4 of us was in the Jam:

I would be happy to join in game jams