Game keeps on crashing

Every time i open the game, 30 seconds later, it crash’s, and i tried almost everything

If it is possible, it might be helpful to take a screen video of it crashing. Do all the flowlab games crash, or is it just one? Maybe sign out and sign back in? Idk if you tried that though…

It sounds like an infinite loop inside your game (not an engine error). A link would be helpful to find where the error is happening.
I’m going to class in a second, but someone should be able to help before I get back


He means infinite loop

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Hate when the phone messes up using the swipe typing :sob:
I also texted someone “stone pizza” tonight instead of “some pizza”

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I tried everything, i reloaded the game, logged out, and removed almost everything, and the game is still doing this

The infinite loop is somewhere in the code, not the actual game. There’s some code that’s being infinitely triggered that can’t be loaded so it causes the game to freeze. You should take a gander at the code you made when the game started freezing and make sure there’s nothing that could be looping or being infinitely triggered.

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A link to the game would help us solve the issue