Game page is ruined

Since the game descriptions were implemented I noticed that the game page changed and it doesn’t look good anymore. The background is now a solid gray color instead of this: (@grazer knows what it is). And all shadows are gone.

I made some examples so you can see the differences:

Also made a shadow in the game frame but I don’t know if it’s better like that. A solid black/gray border also looked good.

pls fix

You mean this? lol

yeah that’s how it used to be

I would like it if you could upload an image and it would be a background that compliments the game. That would be awesome

You mean like old YouTube or like arcade cabinet art? Yeah, that would look slick if done right. I might make my own free hosted website and embed my games to do that.

why don’t you just make a website and put your own game on it

Yes, thats possible, but its more accessible through flowlab, and it would make games pop even more.