Game plan/challenge (Help needed)

@Cuts_ups did you send me an invite?

not yet, but i probably will right now.

There, I did now (20)

ok thanks (20 characters)

lets get right into it then

Does anybody know how to make it so you can create an online user name?

And this is for your game called Robby (infinite levels!) [ALPHA] correct?

Yep, thats right 2020

btw, this game is probably going to be a lot harder to create because of the online skin achievment thing (and the menu) and the part that its a top down where you cant see through walls (like in among us)

The rest i know 2020

Is this supposed to be like among us?

No, only the not seeing through walls feature is from among us. The rest is robby but its a top down + flashlights + dark levels + hiding spots + online username and skins + undertale-like boss battles (but instead of a dark background and your soul its in some sort of battle arena and your actual character) + about 50 chapters + alot more minigames + customizable menu + more items like keykards, guns etc.

Its going to be a big game

ditto for my game…its gonna be big

I can help with that.

you guys could shout out each others games, lol

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ok, what’s the name of your game, @The_Undying ?

Darkening Days: An Eternian Story

Both have two words that both start with d lol

Pretty Big Project coming up This is where most of my game stuff is, no one seemed to be responding for a while