Game Play Mechanic Examples that can be good intro tutorial

I’m a high school teacher that is teaching game design and using Flowlab for the first time.

I want to start my students with some simple tutorials. I found the great platformer tutorial whcih I completed but I want to save that for later because our final project will be a platformer.

I saw the section with examples of Game Play Mechanics. I was thinking of taking a few of these and creating tutorials that makes a very simple game/project out of single game mechanics.

Are there any examples that you think I should check out first. Here’s the link:

If you could give a shoert list of things you would want to make a tutorial on in flowlab I and few others could give step by step instructions of how to do these as well as a project. If you look on The User called JR 01’s games you can view a variety of tutorials as well as the “help” tab on flowlab eqiped with some very helpful examples.

I would also suggest using to do most of the pixel art for games as it is more divere and easier to use than the flowlb conterparts in some areas.

I am actually developing a website based on tutuorials for game making on flowlab, so it should be coming soon.

If you want help with a specific feature than I’ll be happy to help, but if you want some very advanced feature examples I’d recommend JR 01

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Welcome @MrVargas,
I have many examples you can look at,
I test around with Flowlab over the years and make mechanics for everyone to use. Just view over the list of games I have in the link below.