Game screenshot

Guys, what’s up?
It might be silly but I can’t make a proper screenshot for my game.
LIke can i actually upload screenshot or something?
And when I press screenshot button in the play mode it makes screenshot half of the screen
So, how do you do that?

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You kinda just have to work with that, y’know? If you want to make the screenshot look nice and have your game’s logo all nice and centered then you have to move it to the left side of the screen.

So, the screenshot size is equivalent to the screen Height px X Height px. Therefore, a square.

I usually create the game thumbnail in another software, create an object, import the Sprite, and then take the screenshot.
If you wish to take a quick screenshot, make sure everything you want is inside the Screenshot size.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:


Yea, that helped)