Game size and length

I’m really confused that how should I increase the size of my game . Like for that do i have to purchase the Indie ? Or can I do that with the free version too and if yes then how

The screen size of the game can be moved no matter which subscription you have, whether it is free or paid. You just have to select settings and change the width and height of the game.
Now if you are talking about the size of the game in general and not the screen size, then free accounts can only make 50 objects per game and 5 levels per game. In order to build unlimited objects and unlimited levels, you need to purchase Indie or any other account subscription.

like my game size it is ending at a certain point and the background is not showing , its like the player went forward and there’s no camera towards it. I want to fix this.

you just grab one of the background and pull it the left way if that’s what you mean also check out my game

it worked thanks a lot