Gameplay chat! Status: OPEN

As developers like Overma Games or Samuel Pixel Pizza continue to experiment with online multiplayer, there begin to be more and more players on those games every now and then.

This chat is for those online games like Misty Hollow, or even games non flowlab-related, so player’s can communicate, challenge, and present.

There, that’s all, now Imma hit some runs on MH, bye.


(player’s online on Misty hollow)

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@ glowbug sighting.

Misty Hollow Lobby.

I’m logging off of this MH session.

If you’re playing or want to play with some other users on an online game, post the link here!

Also, that Overma Games account is an old one, lol. Here is my other one.
No idea how the “1” got there, probably because there was already an overma_games account.

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Also, I was playing with Greggo for a bit, was real fun!

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Wow, cool! He’s over 170 XD.

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Who wants to do another mh run?

Soo… mh has an update… :face_with_monocle:

Heh. @Teaslee, going for 200 :eyes:

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aw man I have to log in to my little sisters account to have flowlab unblocked so whenever I do all my saves are reset

for misty hollow

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Just hack another browser.

playing flowlab game using an unblocker is broken and weird

oh the boxes give you candy lol i never knew

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I barely play this game okay?

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Nah just higher then my original record lol

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Earth that was. Most played game right now. I was right about to accept a dentist with no intel, lol.

MAN. Dentists just have NO intelligence. Like what the heck.

Great dude. Other than the fact that he’ll die if he turns a diesel car on.