Go into level 4 in editor after that click test play

It is a weird glitch. please fix it asap, so i can test play my game. thanks. :slight_smile:

Sorry, but I am having a problem understanding what your problem is.
Hereโ€™s a few quick tips to make it easier for other people to understand;

  • Take a screenshot of the problem happening. This way we can visually see what is going on.
  • Describe your issue, so we know what to look for.
  • Name your topic according to the issue. So we know what is happening before we even click on the topic.
  • Name the object so we know what object to look for.

Thank you!

It is the attacher in the blades, you are attaching a police car to it. Delete thatand itruns just fine. (I am not sure why you would want this anyways?