I got you too, and dang! You got a lot of followers
Yeah its my first and only Social patform
From looking at @Hong_Jooni_Pooni’s Pixilart page, I have a feeling there is a big dragon update. Considering I love dragons, I can’t wait to see what is about to happen!
What do you think is the best setup for the game in terms of characters.
I personally have the dragon in the back the lizard in middle and the plague bird in front. And then I make all my cards give status so that they constantly get burned.
Sounds really solid.
I wonder how the Rock guy (that gives weakness) + Dragon + Plague bird or Penguins would do. So that there is a consistent boost every time an enemy is defeated
I had penguins as a suicide lead to ravage the enemies with statuses, then something to capitalize on the deaths that follow. And, of course, Gublin Miner.
I use the Penguin in front, the dragon in the middle, and the civet in the back. It’s insane, all enemies always have three+ statuses on them.
Thanks guys I was just thinking of faster ways to beat the game. I KNOW theres gotta be a faster synergy but I guess Im lazy to do testing. I guess I should stop being lazy but thank you guys!! (Also can’t wait for the new update!!)
You should really try the team I mentioned. It might not be the very best for speedrunning, but it is extremely fun to use.
which one is the civet again? I dont know any of the names so I just say things like plague doctor or cloud riding guy
The civet is the dark, long, cat-like creature with the staff. I got to customize him when I got my high score.
I thought it was a lizard… oopsie
What if when you hover over a hero card, it tells you the character/animal name
The answer to a what if will always be ‘Then you would’.
Why. How. What on earth. What happened.
I was so lucky with everything man…
time is 17:33 btw
my friend was watching and cheering me on
Dang. That’s pretty darn short. That score will last for at least a year on top.
Well, in a year, the game will probably be nearly unrecognizable.