Grappling hook and Cool rope help

so i wanna make a grappling hook with a cool rope trail that dangles down and what not with smooth physics.

@“JR 01” i know youve done ragdoll and physics like stuff before, any advice?

It’s experimental, but you could position a block so it’s at the spot you grappled, then it continuously teleports you to the other side that’s not in the wall.

Collisions is not the way to go for smooth physics.

For something to a grapple, I think shooting and object that leaves a trail for the player to follow.
For rope looks, I recommend to look at some of TinkerSmith’s examples.

For something like rope physics, so far I found using rotation as a way to swing around.

but @“JR 01” How wold a trail from an object work as a chain or rope

@“JR 01” that’s what I said…

It’s not @Pixel-Master-Studios-Dev, that’s just to make the player be moved to the shot grappled.

For swinging like ropes, it’s better with to do that with the player and make the player rotate around a point.

Which is what I said…

@meburningslime I do not see where you said something that JR 01 did. You said

It’s experimental, but you could position a block so it’s at the spot you grappled, then it continuously teleports you to the other side that’s not in the wall.

JR 01 said something completely different from what I can see

That’s what I meant then :confused:
I had and Idea I just have 0 IQ so didn’t know how to say it ;(