Help Explaining on Flowlab Part 4 - Ease

Yeah, this one, I just have no clue what it does. Honestly. I’m terrible at maths, and ease just seems so complex to me. This one does link to part 5, expressions, so do go into that in more depth in the upcoming part, I just want to know: What it Does, and How to use it and What it is used for.All of these are just for better understanding of flowlab, and, as people like @“JR 01” and @Superstargames (Massive thanks for both your contributions) are sick of me saying this, but to those who are just seeing this for the first time, this is not just for me, but for everyone who may not know what these things do! I’m going to do at least 8, maybe 12 parts (Yeah, I know, I’m dumb) but if any of you don’t know what something does post bellow and give suggestions of what to do! I still have a lot that I don’t know so i’ll probably get it done at some point. Links to Part 1, 2 and 3 will be bellow, based on Raycasting, Extractors and Enabled. Also gonna shout out to @seamothmaster45 because he has been pretty helpful on these forums too!

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Ease outputs all ranges of the number from beginning to end within a set time.
The function does what the number is set with as it outputs the ranges.
Think of it like the beginning and end of a graph.

I just made a super quick example and I have to head to work.
(set different functions for different results)


@“JR 01” explained it the best way possible

@“JR 01” pretty much gave the whole answer away with those graphs. You should know, by the way, that in order for the easing behavior to activate, two different numbers should be inputted to each input (to and from), otherwise the easing won’t happen. I don’t have to tell you about how each function works because of those graphs above me. There ARE two functions provided under the easing, but are pretty much difficult, if not impossible, to graph: bounce and elastic.
I suggest that, when using the ease behavior, you play around with each function and easing duration to see which settings/combination you prefer to use. It is fun, after all.

Also I am not actually annoyed by your constant questions, don’t worry. :wink:

If I had to guess what Bounce and elastic looks like on a graph, this would probably what it would look like.



(Not exactly my guess, I’ll try to Photoshop a graph I actually think later. This is close enough images I looked on Google.)

Alright, so basically @“JR 01” and @Superstargames , ease just determined the start and end point of something. and that “Something” is… the variables? I’m a bit confused on that bit. What are the start and end points of? Sorry I’m responding so late, just went outside during lockdown…

@“The Kodex”
Yes, there is a “from” and “to” input you have to input for the behavior to start (doesn’t have to be at the same time).

Its like a start and end, Just put in a number for the from and a number for the to. Then it outputs all numbers between start and end within the time that is on the slider.

Basically you determine the end points and it moves/outputs start to end.

I just made an Ease Graphing Calculator if Anyone is interested to see more of how they work.
Hope it comes in handy for everyone, this is one tool I will come back to myself like my RGB test to find results for other games I make.

The game has 3 levels;

  1. A plain Graph that uses each function of the Ease Behavior
  2. A special Graph that uses 2 Ease behaviors (Controls both X and Y)
  3. And a Do It Yourself (DIY) level that has an Ease Behavior in the front without looking at a lot of messy coding.

Ease Behavior Test:

@“JR 01” So it basically plots out the line of a graph for you?

Kind of. In the format of a graph, the ease behavior goes from one number to another. The graphs just show how quickly it goes. See those steep points in the graph? They show you the speed at which the numbers ease from one to another.
So if I want to go from 1 to 10, and I choose linear, the numbers will move from 1 to 10 at a steady pace. But if the easing was exponential, the easing will start off slow and steady, and then as the numbers reach the steeper parts of the graph, the speed will increase.
It may sound a bit complicated, which is why it is important to understand certain functions like liner, quadratic, etc. Otherwise, its trial and error. Try out @“JR 01”'s example game. I think it is quite helpful for understanding each function.

The second level pretty much demonstrates what I just said.

@“The Kodex” This one I know about! I don’t know all the math like @“JR 01” but I know what it does from my old animation classes. It’s essentially the “ease in” and “ease out” Say you have a spaceship taking off and it starts at y=0 and you want it to start slow and then speed up during blast off. If you know your end point (say y=160) then 0 is your from and 160 is your to. then pick a variable and a length of time in ease. experiment around until it moves how you think it should. If the rocket starts slow and then speeds up, think of the exponential curve.

I’ve also used this to create “ice slide” effect. If your character goes from velocity 5 to velocity 0 it’s a dead stop. if you put an ease from 5 to 0 and fiddle with the settings, the character will slide a block or two when you release the move trigger (click keyboard whatever).

OH! I think I have FINALLY got it! It’s just plotting the start and end point of a variable! I see! Thank you all, @Superstargames , @“JR 01” and a @todorrobot and @seamothmaster45 ! I was so confused and now I have clarity on this! Thank you! Please make it back for part 5! You guys are the best!

No problem! I’ll be sure to check part 5 when it comes out.